
Do you know Stella?  She's one of my favorites!  Read her bio here, it's worth it.  Promise!  

Stella is the author of Stella's Stunners.  The description from the site says "A collection of more than 600 nonroutine mathematics problems. Problems range from simple visual problems, requiring no specific mathematical background, to problems that use the content of pre-algebra up through pre-calculus." 

I love that the problems are divided by class, by title, by Stella Number, and by Stella Decimal System.  This is amazing!  The best part about this is that the collection is growing!  The teacher who wrote these has an entire cabinet full just waiting to be digitalized.  Stella's Stunners are geared to grades 6-12.  Here is one of the problems.  If you want the answer you need to head on over to Stella's Stunners which is on the hidden gem site, Ohio Resource Center.  Check both of them out!!!!  

You can find Stella on under the math page here.

What are your hidden gem resources that more teachers should know about?



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