5th Grade Common Core Math Guides

Check out this FREE Common Core Math Guide that has specific examples for each standard, the learning objective (I Can Statement), and examples of assessment for mastery, emerging, and novice!

Want a different grade?  Here is what has been published so far

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Grades 6-8 Coming soon!  Feel free to pin to help others find this FREE resource!

*** This guide was compiled with Carl Jones, Karen Smith, and Virginia McClain ***

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Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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School has a unique way of letting families know that school is canceled

As most of the world is preparing for the snow that is about to hit tonight (I'm writing this on Tuesday), I can't help but to dream that if it does hit, and hits hard I hope that we get a 6 am message that is something like the video above!  A night before message would be even better!

Would your principal do anything like this?  

Something a little bit crazier?  This is the expected snowfall for tonight. We are in the 6-10 range.  

We are also expected to get snow again this Saturday and yet again next Wednesday.  I might not be leaving the house for a few days.  That reminds me, I should really stock up on those Reese's peanut butter hearts.  Yum!  

What are your snow day plans?  Anything exciting?

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The Google Graveyard

It has almost been a year since Google announcement that Google Reader would no longer be available.  A 'death' I am still mourning.  Usually, in February I start to develop a sense of dread of what beloved Google Tool will be the next to go, the announcement is usually in March.  My fingers are crossed that it isn't Blogger....

Anyhow, Slate has created the Google Graveyard, a place to leave flowers for the mourned loss of beloved Google Tools of the past.  Google Reader has had over 121,000 flowers placed on its grave to date.  Not to worry though, the wilted flowers are removed by robots and only the latest 3,000 flowers are displayed.  

Visit Slate's article here to mourn and leave a flower for your favorite Google Tools of yesteryear.  Can you believe there are almost 40 that have been lost? What is your most missed tool?

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I'm not sure how long this has been around but it is extremely useful and I am in LOVE!  Goofram is a combination of Google and Wolfram Alpha.  It splits your screen in two sections on half for Google and the second half for Wolfram Alpha giving you the best of both worlds when it comes to search.  

This is my first search of 'dogs' on the left you have the Google results and on the right the results from Wolfram Alpha.

Here is my second search of Egypt.  Again the Google results are on the left and the WolframAlpha are on the right.

Hope this is useful to both you and your students.  Have a great day!!!

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