Recently, in our district, we have switched to Google Apps for Education. I personally I have enjoyed the process of gaining a better understanding of the ins and outs of the administrator panel. We have been Google for about 3 months now. There have been a few hiccups along the way but overall it has been very smooth. Today I had a question about how to set Gmail as your default mail client so when you click on an address it goes straight to Gmail instead of Outlook. These are the steps that we took.
Inside of your management profile, under advanced tools, you can go down to Google Apps desktop features and install the exe file that will make GMail, Docs, and Calendar a shortcut on your desktop. Once you have this installed you can change the default mail client. Now, go to your start menu, Click Default Programs, Under programs click Google Apps- it will have the mail icon beside of it. Click okay and you are set!
This isn't life changing but it can sure change your mood once you have eliminated copying the address, closing Outlook, and pasting the address into Gmail. Have a great day!