Common Core Resources

The Common Core can be a scary place!  I have been working hard to compile a list of resources that I have used, loved, or created!  


Curriculum Corner- Common Core Checklists K-6

Rethinking Literacy: Reading in the Common-Core Era  Education Week


learnzillion common coreLearnZillion is a site that aggregates lesson plans that focus on common core standards. They’re created by a “Dream Team” of teachers (who are actually teachers). The lessons are for both Math and ELA , are free to use, and include videos, slides, notes and commentaries from the teachers who created them to help you get the most out of each lesson.


ScootPad is geared towards math and reading skills, and are specific to the common core standards. It offers self-paced and personalized practice for each student, and is currently in use by over eleven thousand school districts. It offers great resources for parents, teachers, and administrators alike. Like the other resources mentioned, it is also free, and for teachers, it includes a lot of classroom resources for things like homework management and tracking students progress with the common core standards.

Tools for teaching the common core. ASCD's free EduCore digital tool, which was funded by agrant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is a repository of evidence-based strategies, videos, and supporting documents that help educators transition to the Common Core standards in mathematics and English language arts and literacy.

Have you seen these flip books!  You will need to scroll down a bit to get to the downloads.  As stated on their site:  
The Common Core “FlipBooks” are a compilation of research, “unpacked” standards from many states, instructional strategies and examples for each standard at each grade level. The intent is to show the connections to the Standards of Mathematical Practices for the content standards and to get detailed information at each level. 

 Watch, Know, Learn.  
Videos from all over the web compiled in one place.  The videos are teacher approved and rated then compiled and sorted by grade level and common core standard.  AMAZING!   They also have videos for many of the text exemplars!

The Teaching Channel
Great teaching.  Inspiring videos.

A nonprofit video showcase -- on the Internet and TV-- of inspiring and effective teaching practices in America's schools.


Mastery Connect

 Have you seen this FREE app yet?  It has all of the common core standards in one convient place for on the go!  Click here to go the app store for more information!

Common Core- There's and App for That!-  Check out these amazing apps for Common Core Reading Standards


  1. I don't know which rock I have been living under but I am so glad I came out and found your incredible blog and mrsfullenkamp resource page. You have definitely made my life helping scholars who struggle sooooo much easier. Thanks for sharing and caring. (Could not get the 5th grade math learning targets to download, though.) Thanks again.

  2. When I click on the CC for 3rd grade, it is the 2nd grade CC!! HELP!



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